
Triangle Center

A triangle center (sometimes simply called a center) is a point whose trilinear coordinates are defined in terms of the side lengths and angles of a triangle and for which a triangle center function can be defined. The function giving the coordinates alpha:beta:gamma is called the triangle center function. The four ancient centers are the triangle centroid, incenter, circumcenter, and orthocenter.

The triangle center functions of triangles centers therefore satisfy homogeneity


bisymmetry in b and c,


and cyclicity in a, b, and c,


(Kimberling 1998, p. 46).

Note that most, but not all, special triangle points therefore qualify as triangle centers. For example, bicentric points fail to satisfy bisymmetry, and are therefore excluded. The most common examples of points of this type are the first and second Brocard points, for which triangle center-like functions can be defined that obey homogeneity and cyclicity, but not bisymmetry.

Note also that it is common to give triangle center functions in an abbreviated form f^'(a,b,c) that does not explicitly satisfy bisymmetry, but rather biantisymmetry, so f^'(a,c,b)=-f^'(a,b,c). In such cases, f^'(a,b,c) can be converted to an equivalent form f(a,b,c) that does satisfy the bisymmetry property by defining


An example of this kind is Kimberling center X_(100), which has a tabulated center of


which corresponds to the true triangle center function


A triangle center is said to be polynomial iff there is a triangle center function f that is a polynomial in a, b, and c (Kimberling 1998, p. 46).

Similarly, a triangle center is said to be regular iff there is a triangle center function f that is a polynomial in Delta, a, b, and c, where Delta is the area of the triangle).

A triangle center is said to be a major triangle center if the triangle center function alpha=f(A,B,C) is a function of angle A alone, and therefore beta and gamma of B and C alone, respectively.

C. Kimberling (1998) has extensively tabulated triangle centers and their trilinear coordinates, assigning a unique integer to each. In this work, these centers are called Kimberling centers, and the nth center is denoted X_n, the first few of which are summarized below.

E. Brisse has compiled a separate list of 2001 triangle centers.

See also

Areal Coordinates, Barycentric Coordinates, Exact Trilinear Coordinates, Kimberling Center, Major Triangle Center, Polynomial Triangle Center, Regular Triangle Center, Triangle, Triangle Center Function, Trilinear Coordinates, Trilinear Polar

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Brisse, E., P. J. "The Rise, Fall, and Possible Transfiguration of Triangle Geometry: A Mini-History." Amer. Math. Monthly 102, 204-214, 1995.Dixon, R. "The Eight Centres of a Triangle." §1.5 in Mathographics. New York: Dover, pp. 55-61, 1991.Gale, D. "From Euclid to Descartes to Mathematica to Oblivion?" Math. Intell. 14, 68-69, 1992.Kimberling, C. "Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers.", C. "Triangle Centers.", C. "Central Points and Central Lines in the Plane of a Triangle." Math. Mag. 67, 163-167, 1994.Kimberling, C. "Triangle Centers and Central Triangles." Congr. Numer. 129, 1-295, 1998.

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Triangle Center

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Triangle Center." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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