In algebraic topology, the Reidemeister torsion is a notion originally introduced as a topological invariant of 3-manifolds which has now been widely adapted to a variety of contexts. At the time of its discovery, the Reidemeister torsion was the first 3-manifold invariant able to distinguish between manifolds which are homotopy equivalent but not homeomorphic. Since then, the notion has been adapted to higher-dimensional manifolds, knots and links, dynamical systems, Witten's equations, and so on. In particular, it has a number of different definitions for various contexts.
For a commutative ring , let
be a finite acyclic
chain complex of based finitely generated free R-modules of the form
The Reidemeister torsion of is the value
defined by
is the set of units of
is a chain
is the boundary map, and
is a map from
In this context, Reidemeister torsion is sometimes referred to as the torsion of
the complex
(Nicolaescu 2002) and can be considered a generalization of the determinant
of a matrix (Ranicki 1997).
Another common context for which to define Reidemeister torsion is in the case of CW-complexes. Begin with a compact metric space with finite CW-decomposition
and consider the canonically induced chain
of free Abelian groups,
to a CW-decomposition
of the maximal Abelian cover
yields an associated chain complex
which has a
basis. In particular, defining
denotes the group of permutations of a set
, the torsion of the chain complex
of free
-modules with respect to
-orbit of
-bases is called the Reidemeister
torsion of
In this context, the Reidemeister torsion is a well-defined element of
. In-depth details of this construction
can be found in e.g., Nicolaescu (2002).
Reidemeister torsion is sometimes known as R-torsion or Reidemeister-Franz torsion. What's more, R-torsion is closely related to a number of other topological tools including Whitehead torsion, and was proven by Cheeger and Müller to be identically equal to the analytic torsion in the case of compact Riemannian manifolds.