be a pair consisting of finite, connected CW-complexes
is a subcomplex of
Define the associated chain complex
group-wise for each
by setting
denotes singular homology with integer
coefficients and where
denotes the union of all cells of
of dimension less than or equal
Note that
is free Abelian with one generator
for each
-cell of
Next, consider the universal covering complexes
respectively. The fundamental group
can be identified with the group
of deck transformations of
so that each
determines a map
which then induces a chain map
The chain map turns each chain group
into a module over
the group ring
which is
-free with one generator
for each
and which is finitely generated over
due to the finiteness of
Hence, there is a free chain complex
over ,
the homology groups
of which are zero due to the fact that
deformation retracts
A simple argument shows the existence of a so-called preferred basis
for each
(Milnor), whereby one can define the Whitehead torsion to be the image
of the torsion
of the complex
in the Whitehead quotient group
Worth noting is that the Whitehead torsion is an obvious generalization of the Reidemeister torsion, the prior of which is defined to be an Abelian group element rather than an algebraic number like the latter. Experts note that the study of Reidemeister torsion has since been subsumed in the study of Whitehead torsion (Ranicki 1997) whereas Whitehead torsion provides a fundamental tool for the examination of differentiable and combinatorial manifolds having nontrivial fundamental group.