for ,
is the gamma function and is the Riemann zeta
function (although care must be taken at because of the removable
singularity present there). It was conjectured by Hadjicostas (2004) and almost
immediately proved by Chapman (2004). The special case gives Beukers's integral for ,
(Beukers 1979). At ,
the formula is related to Beukers's integral for Apéry's
which is how interest in this class of integrals originally arose.
There is an analogous formula
for ,
due to Sondow (2005), where is the Dirichlet
eta function. This includes the special cases
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P. "A Conjecture-Generalization of Sondow's Formula." 21 May 2004.,
N. J. A. Sequences A094640, A103130
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J. "Criteria for Irrationality of Euler's Constant." Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc.131, 3335-3344, 2003.,
J. "Double Integrals for Euler's Constant and and an Analog of Hadjicostas's Formula." Amer.
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