
Ring of Fractions

The extension ring obtained from a commutative unit ring (other than the trivial ring) when allowing division by all non-zero divisors. The ring of fractions of an integral domain is always a field.

The term "ring of fractions" is sometimes used to denote any localization of a ring. The ring of fractions in the above meaning is then referred to as the total ring of fractions, and coincides with the localization with respect to the set of all non-zero divisors.

When defining addition and multiplication of fractions, all that is required of the denominators is that they be multiplicatively closed, i.e., if a,b in S, then ab in S,


Given a multiplicatively closed set S in a ring R, the ring of fractions is all elements of the form a/b with a in R and b in S. Of course, it is required that 0 not in S and that fractions of the form (ac)/(bc) and a/b be considered equivalent. With the above definitions of addition and multiplication, this set forms a ring.

The original ring may not embed in this ring of fractions a->a/1 if it is not an integral domain. For instance, if as=0 for some s in S, then a/1=0 in the ring of fractions.

When the complement of S is an ideal p, it must be a prime ideal because S is multiplicatively closed. In this case, the ring of fractions is the localization at p.

When the ring is an integral domain, then the nonzero elements are multiplicatively closed. Letting S be the nonzero elements, then the ring of fractions is a field called the field of fractions, or the total ring of fractions. In this case one can also use the usual rule for division of fractions, which is not normally available for more general S.

See also

Field of Fractions, Fraction, Localization, Ring, Total Ring of Fractions

Portions of this entry contributed by Margherita Barile

Portions of this entry contributed by Todd Rowland

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Atiyah, M. F. and Macdonald, I. G. Introduction to Commutative Algebra. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley, 1969.

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Ring of Fractions

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Barile, Margherita; Rowland, Todd; and Weisstein, Eric W. "Ring of Fractions." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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