A prime ideal is an ideal such that if
, then either
. For example, in the integers, the ideal
(i.e., the multiples of
) is prime whenever
is a prime number.
In any principal ideal domain, prime ideals are generated by prime elements. Prime ideals generalize the concept of primality to more general commutative rings.
An ideal
is prime iff the quotient ring
is an integral
domain because
Technically, some authors choose not to allow the trivial
as a commutative ring, in which case they usually
require prime ideals to be proper ideals.
A maximal ideal is always a prime ideal, but some prime ideals are not maximal. In the integers, is a prime ideal, as it is in any integral
domain. Note that this is the exception to the statement that all prime ideals
in the integers are generated by prime numbers. While this might seem silly to allow
this case, in some rings the structure of the prime ideals, the Zariski
topology, is more interesting. For instance, in polynomials in two variables
with complex coefficients
the ideals
are all prime.
One consequence of the definition is that the set of elements not in a prime ideal, , is closed
under multiplication. This allows one to localize
by considering the ring
of fractions. This ring is analogous to the construction of the rationals as
fractions of integers, except that the denominator must be in
. The only maximal ideal
in this ring is the ideal extension of
From the perspective of algebraic geometry, ideals correspond to varieties. Because multiplication
corresponds to union (such as implies
), a prime ideal corresponds to an irreducible