The Koch snowflake is a fractal curve, also known as the Koch island, which was first described by Helge von Koch in 1904. It is built
by starting with an equilateral triangle,
removing the inner third of each side, building another equilateral
triangle at the location where the side was removed, and then repeating the process
indefinitely. The Koch snowflake can be simply encoded as a Lindenmayer
system with initial string "F--F--F", string
rewriting rule "F" -> "F+F--F+F", and angle . The zeroth through third iterations
of the construction are shown above.
Each fractalized side of the triangle is sometimes known as a Koch curve.
The fractal can also be constructed using a base curve and motif, illustrated above.
be the number of sides,
be the length of a single side, be the length of the perimeter,
the snowflake's area after the th iteration. Further, denote the area
of the initial triangle, and the length of an initial side 1. Then
Some beautiful tilings, a few examples of which are illustrated
above, can be made with iterations toward Koch snowflakes.
In addition, two sizes of Koch snowflakes in area ratio 1:3 tile the plane, as shown
Another beautiful modification of the Koch snowflake involves inscribing the constituent triangles with filled-in triangles, possibly rotated at some angle. Some sample results are illustrated above for 3 and 4 iterations.
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