A field is said to be an extension field (or field extension, or extension),
of a field
is a subfield of
. For example, the complex numbers
are an extension field of the real numbers, and the
real numbers are an extension field of the rational
The extension field degree (or relative degree, or index) of an extension field , denoted
, is the dimension of
as a vector space over
, i.e.,
Given a field ,
there are a couple of ways to define an extension field. If
is contained in a larger field,
. Then by picking some elements
not in
, one defines
to be the smallest subfield
and the
For instance, the rationals can be extended by the complex
If there is only one new element, the extension is called a simple extension. The
process of adding a new element is called "adjoining."
Since elements can be adjoined in any order, it suffices to understand simple extensions. Because is contained in a larger field, its algebraic operations,
such as multiplication and addition, are defined with elements in
. Hence,
The expression above shows that the polynomials with are important. In fact, there are two possibilities.
1. For some positive integer , the
th power
can be written as a (finite) linear combination
with ,
of powers of
less than
In this case,
is called an algebraic number over
is an algebraic
extension. The extension field degree
of the extension is the smallest integer
satisfying the above, and the polynomial
is called the extension
field minimal polynomial.
2. Otherwise, there is no such integer as in the first case. Then
is a transcendental
number over
is a transcendental extension of transcendence
degree 1.
Note that in the case of an algebraic extension (case 1 above), the extension field can be written
Unlike the similar expression above, it is not immediately obvious that the ring is a field.
The following argument shows how to divide in this ring. Because no polynomial
of degree less than
can divide the extension
field minimal polynomial
, any such polynomial
is relatively prime. That
is, there exist polynomials
such that
, or rather,
is the multiplicative inverse of
Another method for defining an extension is to use an indeterminate variable . Then
is the set of rational functions in one variable with coefficients
and up to isomorphism is the unique transcendental
extension of transcendence degree 1. The polynomials
are the denominators and numerators of the rational functions.
Given a nonconstant polynomial
which is irreducible over
, the quotient ring
are the polynomials mod p. In particular, as in case
1 above,
is generated by
is the degree of
The field of fractions of
, written
, is an algebraic
extension of
which is isomorphic to the extension of
by one of the roots of
. For instance,
. Consequently, if
are different roots of an irreducible polynomial
, then
. When
, this isomorphism reflects a field
automorphism, one of the symmetries of the field that form the Galois
A number field is a finite algebraic extension of the rational numbers. Mathematicians have been using number fields
for hundreds of years to solve equations like where all the variables are integers, because they
try to factor the equation in the extension
. For instance, it is easy to see that the only integer
solutions to
since there are four ways to write 5 as the product of integers.
Hence, it became necessary to understand what is a prime number in a number field. In fact, it led to some confusion because unique factorization does not always hold. The lack of unique factorization is measured by the class group, and the class number.
It can be shown that any number field can be written for some
, that is every number field is a simple
extension of the rationals. Naturally, the choice of
is not unique, e.g.,