A finite simple group of Lie-type . The following table summarizes the
types of twisted Chevalley groups and their respective orders. In the table,
denotes a prime power and the superscript denotes
the order of the twisting automorphism.
See also Chevalley Groups ,
Finite Group ,
Simple Group ,
This entry contributed by Margherita
Explore with Wolfram|Alpha
References Gorenstein, D. "Known Simple Groups." Ch. 17 in Finite
Groups, 2nd ed. New York: Chelsea, pp. 490-494, 1980. Gorenstein,
D.; Lyons, R.; and Solomon, R. The Classification of the Finite Simple Groups.
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 1994. http://www.ams.org/online_bks/surv40-1/surv40-1-frnt.pdf . Wilson,
R. A. "ATLAS of Finite Group Representation." http://brauer.maths.qmul.ac.uk/Atlas/v3/exc/ . Referenced
on Wolfram|Alpha Twisted Chevalley Groups
Cite this as:
Barile, Margherita . "Twisted Chevalley Groups." From MathWorld --A Wolfram Web Resource, created by Eric
W. Weisstein . https://mathworld.wolfram.com/TwistedChevalleyGroups.html
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