A -variate
multivariate normal distribution (also called a multinormal distribution) is a generalization
of the bivariate normal distribution.
The -multivariate
distribution with mean vector and covariance matrix
is denoted . The multivariate normal distribution is implemented
as MultinormalDistribution[mu1,
mu2, ..., sigma11, sigma12, ..., sigma12, sigma22, ..., ..., x1, x2, ...] in the Wolfram
Language package MultivariateStatistics` (where the matrix must be symmetric
since ).
In the case of nonzero correlations, there is in general no closed-form solution for the distribution function of a multivariate
normal distribution. As a result, such computations must be done numerically.
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Multivariate Normal Distribution." §6.4 in Mathematical
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Error Bounds." Appl. Stat.: J. Roy. Stat. Soc., Ser. C33, 81-94,
1984.Schervish, M. J. "Corrections to Multivariate Normal
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Multivariate Normal Distribution. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1990.