The most general form of Lagrange's group theorem, also known as Lagrange's lemma, states that for a group , a subgroup
, and a subgroup
, where the products are taken as cardinalities
(thus the theorem holds even for infinite groups)
denotes the subgroup index for the subgroup
. A frequently stated corollary (which follows from taking
is the identity element) is that the order of
is equal to the product of the order of
and the subgroup index of
The corollary is easily proven in the case of being a finite group, in which
case the left cosets of
form a partition of
, thus giving the order of
as the number of blocks in the partition (which is
) multiplied by the number of elements in each partition
(which is just the order of
For a finite group , this corollary gives that the order of
must divide the order of
. Then, because the order of an element
is the order of the cyclic subgroup generated by
, we must have that the order of any element of
divides the order of
The converse of Lagrange's theorem is not, in general, true (Gallian 1993, 1994).