The Jordan matrix decomposition is the decomposition of a square matrix into the form
are similar matrices,
is a matrix of Jordan
canonical form, and
is the matrix inverse
In other words,
is a similarity transformation
of a matrix
in Jordan canonical form. The proof that
any square matrix can be brought into Jordan
canonical form is rather complicated (Turnbull and Aitken 1932; Faddeeva 1958,
p. 49; Halmos 1958, p. 112).
Jordan decomposition is also associated with the matrix equation
and the special case
The Jordan matrix decomposition is implemented in the Wolfram Language as JordanDecomposition[m],
and returns a list s, j
. Note that the Wolfram
Language takes the Jordan block in the Jordan
canonical form to have 1s along the superdiagonal
instead of the subdiagonal. For example, a Jordan
decomposition of
is given by
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