The hypersine (-dimensional
sine function) is a function of a vertex angle of
-dimensional parallelotope
or simplex. If the content
of the parallelotope is
and the contents of the
facets of the parallelotope that meet at vertex
then the value of the
sine of that vertex is
Changing the length of an edge of the parallelotope by a factor changes the content by the same factor and the contents
of all but one of the facets by the same factor. Thus, a change in edge length does
not affect the value of the right-hand side, and the sine function is dependent solely
on the angles between the edges of the parallelotope, not their lengths. In addition,
the sines of all of the vertex angles of the parallelotope are the same, since the
opposite facets have the same content, and one of each pair of opposite facets meets
at each vertex. If we extend the facets at a vertex, all of the
vertex angles thus formed have the same sine, as they are
simply translations of the vertex angles of the parallelotope.
The maximum value of the -dimensional
sine is one, when the parallelotope is an orthotope and all of its vertex angles
are right angles. The minimum value of the
-dimensional sine is zero, for a parallelotope or simplex that
lies in a space of lower dimension and is therefore degenerate. If a simplex has
a right angle (one at which all of the edges are mutually orthogonal), it is a right
simplex, and the sums of the squares of the sines of the vertex angles other than
the right angle is one. The
sine of any vertex angle of an
-dimensional right simplex is the ratio of the content of the
opposite facet to the content of the facet opposite the right angle.
The vertex simplex of a vertex of an -dimensional parallelotope is the simplex that has as its vertices
that vertex and the
adjacent vertices of the parallelotope. Its content (and the content of all the other
vertex simplices) is the content of the parallelotope divided by
. If the content of an
-dimensional simplex is
, and the contents of the
facets that meet at vertex
, the simplex can be considered a vertex simplex
of a parallelotope, and the facets also vertex simplices of the facets of the parallelotope
with respect to the same vertex. Substituting in equation (1)
If we label the remaining facet of the simplex , we may derive
Since the right-hand side is independent of which vertex of the simplex is chosen, the left-hand side is the same for all vertices, so that there is a law of sines
for the -dimensional
simplex such that the ratio of the sine of a vertex to the content of the opposite
facet is the same for all vertices.
For a simplex in elliptic or spherical space, the sine of a vertex of the simplex is equal to the polar sine of the facet of its polar simplex for which that vertex
is a pole. The edges of that facet have an arc length in radians that is supplementary
to the corresponding dihedral angle between facets of the vertex angle. Using this,
we can apply a formula for the polar sine of the facet of the polar simplex in terms
of its edges to calculate the -dimensional sine from the dihedral angles between the facets
that meet at that angle. If the dihedral angle between facets
For a tetrahedron with dihedral angles ,
, and
between the facets meeting at vertex
, we have
The content of a parallelotope is equal to the product of the polar sine of a vertex angle and the edges meeting at that angle. If we identify as the vertex angle of facet
of a parallelotope, we can substitute
in Equation (1) and cancel out the edges to obtain
The polar sine is the same for all vertices of a parallelotope, and it is easily calculated from the plane angles between edges of the -dimensional angle.
In two-dimensional space, the -dimensional sine of the vertex of a triangle is the same as
the sine of the vertex angle. In three-dimensional space, the
-dimensional sine of the vertex angle of a tetrahedron with
face angles
, and
at that vertex is given by