A curious approximation to the Feigenbaum constant
is given by
is Gelfond's constant, which is good to 6 digits
to the right of the decimal point.
M. Trott (pers. comm., May 6, 2008) noted
is Gauss's constant, which is good to 4 decimal
digits, and
is the tetranacci constant, which is good
to 3 decimal digits.
A strange approximation good to five digits is given by the solution to
which is
is the Lambert W-function (G. Deppe, pers.
comm., Feb. 27, 2003).
to 3 digits (S. Plouffe, pers. comm., Apr. 10, 2006).
M. Hudson (pers. comm., Nov. 20, 2004) gave
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which are good to 17, 13, and 9 digits respectively.
Stoschek gave the strange approximation
which is good to 9 digits.
R. Phillips (pers. comm., Sept. 14, 2004-Jan. 25, 2005) gave the approximations
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where e is the base of the natural logarithm and is Gelfond's constant,
which are good to 3, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 10 decimal digits, respectively, and
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which are good to 3, 3, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 8 decimal digits, respectively.
An approximation to due to R. Phillips (pers. comm., Jan. 27,
2005) is obtained by numerically solving
for ,
is the golden ratio, which
is good to 4 digits.