The most general forced form of the Duffing equation is
Depending on the parameters chosen, the equation can take a number of special forms. For example, with no damping and no forcing, and taking the plus sign, the equation becomes
(Bender and Orszag 1978, p. 547; Zwillinger 1997, p. 122). This equation can display chaotic behavior. For , the equation represents a "hard spring,"
and for
it represents a "soft spring." If
, the phase portrait
curves are closed.
If instead we take ,
, reset the clock so that
, and use the minus sign, the equation is then
This can be written as a system of first-order ordinary differential equations as
| |||
(Wiggins 1990, p. 5) which, in the unforced case, reduces to
| |||
(Wiggins 1990, p. 6; Ott 1993, p. 3).
The fixed points of this set of coupled differential equations are given by
so ,
| |||
giving .
The fixed points are therefore
, and
Analysis of the stability of the fixed points can be point by linearizing the equations. Differentiating gives
| |||
| |||
which can be written as the matrix equation
Examining the stability of the point (0,0):
But ,
is real. Since
, there will always be one positive root, so this fixed point is unstable. Now look at (
, 0). The characteristic equation is
which has roots
For ,
so the point is asymptotically stable. If
, so the point is linearly
stable (Wiggins 1990, p. 10). However, if
, the radical gives an imaginary
part and the real part is
, so the point is unstable. If
, which has a positive real root, so the point is unstable.
so both roots are positive
and the point is unstable.
Interestingly, the special case with no forcing,
| |||
can be integrated by quadratures. Differentiating (19) and plugging in (20) gives
Multiplying both sides by gives
But this can be written
so we have an invariant of motion ,
Solving for gives
(Wiggins 1990, p. 29).
Note that the invariant of motion satisfies
so the equations of the Duffing oscillator are given by the Hamiltonian system
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(Wiggins 1990, p. 31).