A planar graph is said to be triangulated (also called maximal planar) if the addition of any edge to results in a nonplanar graph.
If the special cases of the triangle graph and tetrahedral graph (which are planar that already contain a maximal number of edges) are included, maximal planar graphs are the skeletons of simple polyhedra and are isomorphic to planar graphs with edges.
A list of triangulated graphs implemented in the Wolfram Language is available as GraphData["Triangulated"].
Apollonian networks are triangulated graphs. The following table summarizes some named triangulated graphs.
The numbers of maximal planar simple graphs on , 2, ... nodes are 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 50, 233, 1249, ... (OEIS A000109), the first few of which are illustrated above.