
Traveling Salesman Constants

Let L(n,d) be the smallest tour length for n points in a d-D hypercube. Then there exists a smallest constant alpha(d) such that for all optimal tours in the hypercube,

 lim sup_(n->infty)(L(n,d))/(n^((d-1)/d)sqrt(d))<=alpha(d),

and a constant beta(d) such that for almost all optimal tours in the hypercube,


These constants satisfy the inequalities


(Fejes Tóth 1940, Verblunsky 1951, Few 1955, Beardwood et al. 1959), where


Gamma(z) is the gamma function, delta is an expression involving Struve functions and Bessel functions of the second kind,


(OEIS A086306; Karloff 1989), and


(OEIS A086307; Goddyn 1990).

In the limit d->infty,

0.24197<lim_(d->infty)gamma_d=1/(sqrt(2pie))<=lim inf_(d->infty)beta(d)
<=lim sup_(d->infty)beta(d)<=lim_(d->infty)12^(1/(2d))6^(-1/2)





and theta(d) is the best sphere packing density in d-D space (Goddyn 1990, Moran 1984, Kabatyanskii and Levenshtein 1978). Steele and Snyder (1989) proved that the limit alpha(d) exists.

Now consider the constant




Nonrigorous numerical estimates give kappa approx 0.7124 (Johnson et al. 1996) and kappa approx 0.7120 (Percus and Martin 1996).

A certain self-avoiding space-filling function is an optimal tour through a set of n points, where n can be arbitrarily large. It has length


(OEIS A073008), where L_m is the length of the curve at the mth iteration and n_m is the point-set size (Norman and Moscato 1995).

See also

Traveling Salesman Problem

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Traveling Salesman Constants

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Traveling Salesman Constants." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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