
Symplectic Diffeomorphism

A map T:(M_1,omega_1)->(M_2,omega_2) between the symplectic manifolds (M_1,omega_1) and (M_2,omega_2) which is a diffeomorphism and T^*(omega_2)=omega_1, where T^* is the pullback map induced by T (i.e., the derivative of the diffeomorphism T acting on tangent vectors). A symplectic diffeomorphism is also known as a symplectomorphism or canonical transformation.

See also

Diffeomorphism, Pullback Map, Symplectic Manifold

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Guillemin, V. and Sternberg, S. Symplectic Techniques in Physics. New York: Cambridge University Press, p. 34, 1984.

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Symplectic Diffeomorphism

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Symplectic Diffeomorphism." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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