A multicomputation is a generalization of a normal (single-threaded) computation to many computational threads of time. The application of multicomputation to problem-solving is known as the multicomputational paradigm.
The application of multicomputation leads to a multicomputational system that allows interpretation of a problem as a multicomputational process.
Wolfram (2022) analyzes tic-tac-toe, the icosian game, the tower of Hanoi, as well as other games
as multicomputational processes, including through the use of branchial
graphs. For example, the graph above shows a multiway graph for tic-tac-toe in which every path through the graph represents
a possible complete game.
Wolfram (2022) analyzes tic-tac-toe, the icosian game, the tower of Hanoi, as well as other games
If winning
tic-tac-toe is defined as having two identical elements in a horizontal row, the
graph above is a simplified version in which cases in which the game is "already
over" have been removed.
Multicomputation and the general multicomputational paradigm lie at the core of the Wolfram Physics Project (Wolfram 2021a).