
Mixtilinear Incircles


A circle that in internally tangent to two sides of a triangle and to the circumcircle is called a mixtilinear incircle. There are three mixtilinear incircles, one corresponding to each angle of the triangle.

The radius of the A-mixtilinear incircle inscribed in ∠A is given by


where r is the inradius of the reference triangle (Durell and Robson 1935), and the center function is


These can be derived by considering exact trilinear coordinates (alpha,beta,gamma) and noting the condition that the A-circle be tangent to sides AB and AC means that


Let d be the distance between the centers of the A-circle and circumcircle which can be found using the trilinear distance formula, then since these two circles are tangent internally,


Combining this with the condition for exact trilinears aalpha+bbeta+cgamma=2Delta then gives two equation that can be solved for the two unknowns alpha and rho_A.

The points of contact of the A-mixtilinear incircle with the sides AB and AC are found by intersecting these sides with the line through the incenter I perpendicular to the angle bisector AI (Veldkamp 1976-1977).

The radical line of the two mixtilinear incircles tangent to side BC passes through the midpoint of the arc BC not containing A, and through the midpoint of the tangent radius of the incircle to BC (Nguyen and Salazar 2006).

Let A^' be the point of tangency of the mixtilinear incircle inscribed in ∠A and the circumcircle. Similarly define B^' and C^'. Then the lines AA^', BB^', and CC^' are concurrent. The point of concurrency is the external similitude center of the circumcircle and incircle, which is Kimberling center X_(56) (Yiu 1999).

The triangle joining the centers is the mixtilinear triangle and its circumcircle is the mixtilinear circle.

See also

Circumcircle, Mixtilinear Circle, Mixtilinear Incircles Radical Circle, Mixtilinear Triangle

This entry contributed by Floor van Lamoen

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Bankoff, L. "A Mixtilinear Adventure." Crux Math., 9, 2-7, 1983.Durell, C. V. and Robson, A. Advanced Trigonometry. London: Bell & Sons, p. 23, 1935.Groenman, J. T. "Vraagstuk 2338 met oplossing." Nieuw Tijdschr. Wisk. 65, 253, 1977-1978.Nguyen, K. L. and Salazar, J. C. "On Mixtilinear Incircles and Excircles." Forum Geom. 6, 1-16, 2006., S. "Pseudo-Incircles." Forum Geom. 6, 107-115, 2006.Veldkamp, G. R. "Vraagstuk 2230 met oplossing." Nieuw Tijdschr. Wisk. 64, 109, 1976-1977.Yiu, P. "Mixtilinear Incircles." Amer Math Monthly 106, 952-955, 1999.Yiu, P. "Notes on Euclidean Geometry." 1999.

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Mixtilinear Incircles

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van Lamoen, Floor. "Mixtilinear Incircles." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource, created by Eric W. Weisstein.

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