A minor is the reduced determinant
of a determinant expansion that
is formed by omitting the
row and
th column of a matrix
. So, for example, the minor
of the above matrix is given by
The th minor can be computed in the Wolfram Language using
Minor[m_List?MatrixQ, {i_Integer, j_Integer}] := Det[Drop[Transpose[Drop[Transpose[m], {j}]], {i}]]
The Wolfram Language's built-in Minors[m]
command instead gives the minors of a matrix obtained by deleting the
st row and
st column of
, while Minors[m,
k] gives the
minors of
. The Minor code above therefore
corresponds to
entry of
MinorMatrix[m_List?MatrixQ] := Map[Reverse, Minors[m], {0, 1}]
i.e., the definition Minors[m, i, j
] is equivalent to MinorMatrix[m][[i,