Consider the local behavior of a map by choosing a point
and an open neighborhood
such that
. Now consider the set of all mappings
It is possible to put these mappings into categories
by introducing an equivalence relation. Given
two mappings
, write
provided there exists a neighborhood
such that
and the restriction
coincides with
These equivalence classes
are called map germs and members are called representatives of the germ. It follows
from this that
hence it is common to write
for the germ where
Consider a map germ ,
which is an equivalence class of maps
agreeing in a small neighborhood of the origin.
The group of germs of diffeomorphisms
is denoted
, whereas the
is denoted
. These give coordinate changes in the source and target respectively.
Denote the space of all analytic map germs by
The group
acts on
in a standard way. Let
, and
. Then
The orbit of
under this action is
If and
, then
for some
This is the same as
and means the above diagram commutes. In this case,
are said to be
as map germs.