
Lorenz Asymmetry Coefficient

The Lorenz asymmetry coefficient is a summary statistic of the Lorenz curve that measures the degree of asymmetry of a Lorenz curve. The Lorenz asymmetry coefficient is defined as


where the functions F and L are defined as for the Lorenz curve. If S>1, then the point where the Lorenz curve is parallel with the line of equality is above the axis of symmetry. Correspondingly, if S<1, then the point where the Lorenz curve is parallel to the line of equality is below the axis of symmetry.

The sample statistic S can be calculated from ordered size data using the following equations


where m is the number of individuals with a size less than mu.

See also

Gini Coefficient, Lorenz Curve

This entry contributed by Christian Damgaard

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Damgaard, C. and Weiner, J. "Describing Inequality in Plant Size or Fecundity." Ecology 81, 1139-1142, 2000.

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Lorenz Asymmetry Coefficient

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Damgaard, Christian. "Lorenz Asymmetry Coefficient." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource, created by Eric W. Weisstein.

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