Given a (0,1)-matrix, fill 11 spaces in each row in such a way
that all columns also have 11 spaces filled. Furthermore, each pair of rows must
have exactly one filled space in the same column.
This problem is equivalent to finding a projective
plane of order 10. Using a computer program, Lam et al. (1989) showed
that no such arrangement exists.
Lam's problem is equivalent to finding nine orthogonal Latin
squares of order 10.
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Proceedings of the Workshop Held in Burnaby, BC, December 12-14, 19950821806688
(Ed. J. Borwein, P. Borwein, L. Jörgenson, and R. Corless).
Providence, RI: Amer. Math. Soc., pp. 335-355, 1997.,
C. W. H.; Thiel, L.; and Swiercz, S. "The Nonexistence of Finite Projective
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I. "Search Yields Math Proof No One Can Check." Science News134,
406, Dec. 24 & 31, 1988.