denote the product of the divisors of (including itself). For , 2, ..., the first few values are 1, 2, 3, 8, 5, 36, 7,
64, 27, 100, 11, 1728, 13, 196, ... (OEIS A007955).
The divisor product satisfies the identity
The following table gives values of for which is a th power. Lionnet (1879) considered the case .
(Kaplansky 1999). This allows rules for determining when is a power of to be determined, as considered by Halcke (1719) and Lionnet
(1879). Let ,
, and be distinct primes, then the following table gives the conditions
and first few
for which
is a given power
(Ireland and Rosen 1990, Kaplansky 1999, Dickson 2005). The case of third powers
corresponds to numbers having exactly six divisors, the case of forth powers to numbers
having eight divisors, and so on.