

The word "convergent" has a number of different meanings in mathematics.

Most commonly, it is an adjective used to describe a convergent sequence or convergent series, where it essentially means that the respective series or sequence approaches some limit (D'Angelo and West 2000, p. 259).

The rational number obtained by keeping only a limited number of terms in a continued fraction is also called a convergent. For example, in the simple continued fraction for the golden ratio,


the convergents are


Convergents are commonly denoted A_n/B_n, p_n/q_n, P_n/Q_n (ratios of integers), or c_n (a rational number).

Given a simple continued fraction [b_0;b_1,b_2,...], the nth convergent is given by the following ratio of tridiagonal matrix determinants:

 (A_n)/(B_n)=(|b_0 -1 0 ... 0; 1 b_1 -1 ... 0; 0 1 b_2 ... 0; 0 0 1 ... -1; 0 0 0 ... b_n|)/(|b_1 -1 ... 0; 1 b_2 ... 0; 0 1 ... -1; 0 0 ... b_n|).

For example, the third convergent of pi=[3;7,15] is

 (A_3)/(B_3)=(|3 -1 0; 1 7 -1; 0 1 15|)/(|7 -1; 1 15|)=(333)/(106).

In the Wolfram Language, Convergents[terms] gives a list of the convergents corresponding to the specified list of continued fraction terms, while Convergents[x, n] gives the first n convergents for a number x.

Consider the convergents c_n=A_n/B_n of a simple continued fraction [b_0;b_1,b_2,...], and define


Then subsequent terms can be calculated from the recurrence relations


k=1, 2, ..., n.

For a generalized continued fraction K_(k=1)^(infty)a_k/b_k, the recurrence generalizes to


The continued fraction fundamental recurrence relation for a simple continued fraction is


It is also true that if b_0!=0,




Also, if a convergent c_n=A_n/B_n>1, then


Similarly, if c_n=A_n/B_n<1, then b_0=0 and


The convergents A_n/B_n also satisfy


Plotted above on semilog scales are c_n-pi (n even; left figure) and pi-c_n (n odd; right figure) as a function of n for the convergents of pi. In general, the even convergents c_(2n) of an infinite simple continued fraction for a number x form an increasing sequence, and the odd convergents c_(2n+1) form a decreasing sequence (so any even convergent is less than any odd convergent). Summarizing,


Furthermore, each convergent for n>=3 lies between the two preceding ones. Each convergent is nearer to the value of the infinite continued fraction than the previous one. In addition, for a number x=[b_0;b_1,b_2,...],


In the course of searching for continued fraction identities, Raayoni (2021) and Elimelech et al. (2023) noticed that while the numerator and denominator of convergents p_n/q_n in general grow factorially, the reduced numerator and denominator p_n/g_n and q_n/g_n for g_n=GCD(p_n,q_n) grow at most exponentially, i.e., as s^n. They termed this phenomenon factorial reduction and noted that while it is extremely rare in general, it holds for all identities originally found by the Ramanujan Machine (Raayoni et al. 2021).

See also

Continued Fraction, Convergent Sequence, Convergent Series, Factorial Reduction, Generalized Continued Fraction, Limit, Partial Denominator, Simple Continued Fraction Explore this topic in the MathWorld classroom

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D'Angelo, J. P. and West, D. B. Mathematical Thinking: Problem-Solving and Proofs, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2000.Elimelech, R.; David, O.; De la Cruz Mengual, C.; Kalisch, R.; Berndt, W.; Shalyt, M.; Silberstein, M.; Hadad, Y.; and Kaminer, I. "Algorithm-Assisted Discovery of an Intrinsic Order Among Mathematical Constants." 22 Aug 2023., H. Simple Continued Fractions: An Elementary to Research Level Approach. SMD Stock Analysts, pp. II-9-II-10, 2003.Raayoni, G; Gottlieb, S.; Manor, Y.; Pisha, G.; Harris, Y.; Mendlovic, U.; Haviv, D.; Hadad, Y.; and Kaminer, I. "Generating Conjectures on Fundamental Constants With the Ramanujan Machine." Nature 590, 67-73, 2021.

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Convergent." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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