A matrix whose elements may contain complex numbers.
The matrix product of two complex matrices is given by
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
Hadamard (1893) proved that the determinant of any complex
with entries in the closed unit disk
(Hadamard's maximum determinant problem), with equality attained by the Vandermonde
matrix of the roots of unity (Faddeev and Sominskii 1965, p. 331;
Brenner 1972). The first few values for
, 2, ... are 1, 2,
, 16,
, 216, ....
Studying the maximum possible eigenvalue norms for random complex matrices is computationally intractable. Although average
properties of the distribution of
can be determined, finding the maximum value corresponds
to determining if the set of matrices contains a singular
matrix, which has been proven to be an NP-complete
problem (Poljak and Rohn 1993, Kaltofen 2000). The above plots show the distributions
, and
matrix eigenvalue norms for elements uniformly distributed
inside the unit disk
Similar plots are obtained for elements uniformly distributed inside
. The exact distribution of eigenvalues for
complex matrices with both real and imaginary parts distributed as independent standard
normal variates is given by Ginibre (1965), Hwang (1986), and Mehta (1991).