A class of formal series expansions in derivatives of a distribution which may (but need not) be the normal
distribution function
and moments or other measured parameters. Edgeworth series are known as the Charlier series or Gram-Charlier series. Let be the characteristic
function of the function
, and
its cumulants. Similarly,
be the distribution to be approximated,
its characteristic
function, and
its cumulants. By definition, these quantities are connected
by the formal series
(Wallace 1958). Integrating by parts gives as the characteristic
function of
so the formal identity corresponds pairwise to the identity
is the differential operator. The most important
was considered by Chebyshev (1890), Charlier (1905-06), and Edgeworth (1905).
Expanding and collecting terms according to the order of the derivatives gives the so-called Gram-Charlier A-Series, which is identical to the formal expansion of in Hermite polynomials. The A-series
converges for functions
whose tails approach zero faster than
(Cramér 1925, Wallace 1958, Szegö 1975).