
Betti Number

Betti numbers are topological objects which were proved to be invariants by Poincaré, and used by him to extend the polyhedral formula to higher dimensional spaces. Informally, the Betti number is the maximum number of cuts that can be made without dividing a surface into two separate pieces (Gardner 1984, pp. 9-10). Formally, the nth Betti number is the rank of the nth homology group of a topological space.

The first Betti number of a graph is commonly known as its circuit rank (or cyclomatic number).

The following table gives the Betti number of some common surfaces.

Let p_r be the group rank of the homology group H_r of a topological space K. For a closed, orientable surface of genus g, the Betti numbers are p_0=1, p_1=2g, and p_2=1. For a nonorientable surface with k cross-caps, the Betti numbers are p_0=1, p_1=k-1, and p_2=0.

The Betti number of a finitely generated Abelian group G is the (uniquely determined) number n such that

 G=Z^n direct sum G_1 direct sum ... direct sum G_s,

where G_1, ..., G_s are finite cyclic groups (see Kronecker decomposition theorem).

The Betti numbers of a finitely generated module M over a commutative Noetherian local unit ring R are the minimal numbers b_i for which there exists a long exact sequence


which is called a minimal free resolution of M. The Betti numbers are uniquely determined by requiring that b_i be the minimal number of generators of Kerphi_(i-1) for all i>=0. These Betti numbers are defined in the same way for finitely generated positively graded R-modules if R is a polynomial ring over a field.

See also

Chromatic Number, Circuit Rank, Euler Characteristic, Genus, Homology Group, Poincaré Duality, Topological Space

Portions of this entry contributed by Margherita Barile

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Bruns, W. and Herzog, J. Cohen-Macaulay Rings, 2nd ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1998.Gardner, M. The Sixth Book of Mathematical Games from Scientific American. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, pp. 9-11 and 15-16, 1984.Munkres, J. R. Elements of Algebraic Topology. New York: Perseus Books Pub.,p. 24, 1993.

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Betti Number

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Barile, Margherita and Weisstein, Eric W. "Betti Number." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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