A financial measure of a fund's sensitivity to market movements which measures the relationship between a fund's excess return over Treasury Bills and the excess return
of a benchmark index (which, by definition, has ). A fund with a beta of
has performed
better (or
worse if
than its benchmark index (after deducting the T-bill rate) in up markets and
worse (or
better if
) in down markets.
See also
Alpha, Beta Distribution, Beta Exponential Function, Beta Function, Beta Integral, Central Beta Function, Dirichlet Beta Function, Incomplete Beta Function, q-Beta Function, Regularized Beta Function, Sharpe RatioRelated Wolfram sites
http://functions.wolfram.com/GammaBetaErf/Beta/, http://functions.wolfram.com/GammaBetaErf/Beta3/, http://functions.wolfram.com/GammaBetaErf/Beta4/Explore with Wolfram|Alpha
Cite this as:
Weisstein, Eric W. "Beta." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Beta.html