Similarly, Barnette conjectured that all cubic, 3-connected, planar graphs with a face size of at most 6 are Hamiltonian.
Aldred et al. (2000) have verified this conjecture for all graphs with fewer
than 177 vertices.
Aldred, R.; Bau, S.; Holton, D., and McKay, B. "Nonhamiltonian 3-Connected Cubic Planar Graphs." SIAM J. Disc. Math.13, 25-32,
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Planar Graphs." J. Combin. Th. Ser. B38, 279-297, 1985.Owens,
P. J. "Bipartite Cubic Graphs and a Shortness Exponent." Disc.
Math.44, 327-330, 1983.