A -matrix is a matrix whose elements
consist only of the numbers
or 1. For an
-matrix, the largest possible determinants
(Hadamard's maximum determinant
problem) for
2, ... are 1, 2, 4, 16, 48, 160, ... (OEIS A003433;
Ehrlich and Zeller 1962, Ehrlich 1964), the same as for an
-matrix. The numbers of distinct
-matrices having the largest possible determinant are
1, 4, 96, 384, 30720, ... (OEIS A188895).
See also
Hadamard Matrix, Integer MatrixExplore with Wolfram|Alpha
Ehrlich, H. "Determinantenabschätzungen für binäre Matrizen." Math. Z. 83, 123-132, 1964.Ehrlich, H. and Zeller, K. "Binäre Matrizen." Z. angew. Math. Mechanik 42, T20-21, 1962.Kahn, J.; Komlós, J.; and Szemeredi, E. "On the Probability that a RandomReferenced on Wolfram|Alpha
(-1,1)-MatrixCite this as:
Weisstein, Eric W. "(-1,1)-Matrix." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. https://mathworld.wolfram.com/-11-Matrix.html